Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Marriage Tips; Want to improve your sex life?

"The worst thing that can happen to a relationship is that a sex life becomes routine and boredom sets in."

But in today's fast-paced life, filled with dueling responsibilities, a sub-par or absent sex life is a common problem. When physical problems are not the root cause of a diminished sex life, many remedies exist to rekindle the flame of passion.

Much of the fix is grounded in communication and reprioritizing one's life to make time for love and sex. Sometimes couples need to focus on addressing unresolved conflicts between them, while other spouses just need to remember to have fun when the weight of life's responsibilities drags them and their sex life down.

Still others may just need to build time into their schedules to be together and let nature take its course. Simply setting aside date nights can jump-start one's love life. Through communication—both verbal and non-verbal — and listening, couples come to understand what ignites that spark in the other partner. That might be cuddling, leaving love notes for your partner to find, meeting at a motel for a wild night, trying out new sex techniques, introducing a vibrator or dozens of other potential turn-ons.

Pointers on keeping the spark alive~

  • Treat your partner as if you're dating
  • Romance your spouse outside the bedroom
  • Plan a date night
  • Talk with your partner
  • Listen to your partner
  • Understand your partner's sexual needs and desires
  • Keep physically fit and attractive for your partner
  • Maintain perspective on sex as life comes and goes
  • Resolve any old conflicts as they will spillover to the bedroom
  • Have fun and engage in foreplay, whether that's kissing, sexual banter or anything else
  • Be adventurous and creative in and outside the bedroom
  • Exercise, preferably together
  • Stop smoking and get your partner to quit
  • Watch your weight and cholesterol

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Marriage Tips; Create a lasting Romance~

Lasting Romance
that elusive experience that comes and goes. When we have it we think it will last forever, when we don’t we worry that it will never come again.
It is an experience that so many crave yet have had so little of in their lives.

True romance feels good. It should not frighten you. If it does not feel good to you then you are confusing romance with all the bad things that happens in dysfunctional relationships.

Do you remember how good it felt when you begin falling in love with your husband? The intensity of these good feelings come from our connection with our Source, from many spiritual beings, including our own Inner Being, radiating their enthusiasm and excitement that we have found
our heart’s desire.

This is why they are so powerful. Good feelings always result from being in alignment with the whole of our being and what we have been asking for.

If you already have romance in your life, whether it is a new
relationship or one that you have had for a while, you are in a very good place. Y
our dominant vibration is one of great happiness, great joy and great passion.

That means you have an incredible connection with your source. You should understand that this is responsible for many of the other wonderful things that are falling into place in your life right now. If you don’t have romance in your life, but you want it, then you are going to have to bring yourself to that place.

You are going to have to romance yourself. You are going to have to treat yourself wonderfully and give yourself love and nurturing and caring and bring yourself into a place of great joy and passion for life.

Who wants to be around an unhappy person? No one. Who wants to be around someone with misery in their life?
Very few people want that. If they do want that in their life, do you want them in yours?

So you have to take care of yourself. Look after yourself. Nurture and love yourself, take yourself out to dinner. Buy yourself wonderful things. Look in the mirror and flirt with yourself. Challenge the negative messages others have given you.

Find things within you that contradict those negative messages. You need to feel loveable for someone to want to love you and for you to let it in. If you are in a relationship now and it does not have the level of romance in it that you want or you want more from it, then you are the one who is going to have to create that.

You are going to have to make yourself more available for that. You are going to have to treat yourself better so that you are in a better feeling place so that you are more attractive to your partner.

And if this does not rekindle the flame in the heart of your partner it will repel them and attract one that is better suited to whom you are now.

Romance is about relationships and getting to know another person. It is about the discovery of your own beauty through the eyes of an attentive other. Part of what makes it feel good, of what keeps you open to receiving, is your recognition of qualities that you appreciate in this other person. It is your focus on the beauty you find in them.

What makes Romance go bad? When does it stop feeling good and start feeling bad? When you discover and focus on things you do not like in your husband. Focusing on negatives will only produce bad energy. Instead focus on positive, remember all of the reasons you fell in love and what
drew you to your spouse.

Accepting someone with all there faults is a positive trait for yourself. You also have faults that your spouse loves and accepts you for.

Only you have the ability to make your self unhappy, you hold the control in your life. You can only influence others lives, not control them. Most relationships suffer from a break down in focus way before any of the more serious problems occur. One event at a time each person notices something they don’t like in their partner. Then they focus
on it and make it a little bigger.

When you worry about something your partner did or does, and you tell others about how annoying it is, you are focusing your attention on it and you are shifting your vibration so that it matches those same unwanted behaviors. You are actually turning yourself into a magnet for more such experiences. Not only that but if you are telling others about it you are probably setting up resentments in them towards your partner. So now there are two people holding negative energy towards your partner.

Your friend may even begin to distance themselves from you because of the negative energy they perceive that you are making them feel. Can you see how this would affect you?
Can you see how this is not romantic energy you will be feeling, or even open to feeling if you are holding such thoughts in your mind?

Can you see how this would affect your partner? Creating such negative energy with your friends about your spouse only sets up the mindset that your friends will also have a negative outlook on your spouse. You are your spouses only defender, when you project support, love, and positive energy to others on behalf of your spouse it shows that you are, yourself in positive energy and a respectful relationship.

We all respond to our feelings and the feelings we pick up from others much more than we consciously realize. These feelings push and pull us, most don’t know why they go where they do, but yet they do go. Your work is to become conscious of the energies at play in your life and romantic relationships give you plenty of chances to generate the widest variety of feelings.

Negativity that you feel towards your partner will be noticed. Most people are not aware enough to turn away from this negativity so you are likely to arouse similar negativity within them or push them away from you if they do not wish to engage in them.

If your partner did something you did not like, of course you will feel bad. But the solution, the answer to the desire that is born from that event, comes from focusing on what you do desire. You don’t do battle with the problem, you turn away from it and walk towards what you do want, which is a positive side. Showing support and positive energy will resolve you wanting to focus on the negative feeling you have.

When I am having a negative feeling about my husband I stay focused on many things about him that I love and appreciate. I focus on some of the romantic vacations we have taken together and on all of the many ways that he makes me happy and works hard to provide for our

Here is where so many relationships go wrong. When you hold on to past issues....
There is this accumulation process that most people do when
something hurts them, they hang on to it and when other painful events occur at later times those old hurts also come to the foreground and receive focus. Even though I know how destructive this can be, I still catch myself doing it.

When I know that my husband is having a bad day I am more
understanding when he gets agitated easily, or perhaps says hurtful things on the whim. I try to focus on positive things that he does for me, or something funny he has done recently. This give me more compassion in the moment that he is unhappy.

I also reminded myself that I am a good partner. I treat him well, I have done nothing wrong. All of these thoughts helped me to feel better about myself and remain centered.

Things like this used to cause us many hours or even days of
disconnection. I am certain that the shift I made in my energy made the difference in this case.
So often people think that the romance in their life is due to the things they do. I know it is easy to believe this.
However, if your actions are not in alignment with your thoughts and feelings then you are only wasting your energy and cutting yourself off from your Source.

These are very helpful, but the actions you take must be inspired actions; inspired by the love and appreciation you have for your partner.

So keep seeking out those things to admire and appreciate
in your partner and in yourself.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Women on Sex

Women on Sex......

As I am now into my early 30's I can openly say, that my sexual appetite is not only strong but I am more understanding of what my needs are.

I grew up in a house that we never discussed sex... it was the "forbidden" topic. I thought up until I was 12 that I could get pregnant just from a french kiss. I never got into the whole bar scene until I was in my mid to late 20's. To this day I can say that I have never had a one night stand... does that mean that I am inexperienced? NO, I have chosen not to have sex with men that would leave me with nothing... I do have standards, I do have morals, and I do like myself therefore I never felt that I need the self-esteem booster of one nighters.

Looking back into my 20's I do not believe that I really knew how to satisfy myself. I did not know what I desired, or how to express what felt good. I just ... had sex!

Women that are afraid, insecure or not forthcoming about what they desire are not being fully satisfied... find a way to start emerge out of your shell. To be able to achieve ultimate gratification is an amazing feeling.

Start by simply having some alone time, get to know your body. Start with your head down to your toes, touching, caressing, finding your sensations. Your body is beautiful, love yourself and learn to please yourself. I found the best way for me to feel sexy is a hot bubble bath, a glass of wine, candles and music.

When I am feeling sexy I can be more adventurous with myself. I like to touch my soft long legs, I like to touch my breasts... discovering my body. When you know what feels good by yourself you can then guide your partner.

After you have been married for years, it seems that couples tend to lose their ambition to "please" each other. I get so sick of "guickies" to the point that I do not want to have sex. It amazes me that the most important person in your life is the one that you take the most advantage of. We get so caught up in everyday life, that we forget to put the brakes on and enjoy each other.

My favorite time alone with my husband is usually when I do the planning. I enjoy setting up surprises! I like to do things for him that I know he will enjoy... I like to do the unexpected. When you have a routine in your relationship, you can get bored and be left with the feeling that you are not desired. I suggest to think about what your husband likes, maybe just ask a few questions from time to time. Remember your fantasies as well, men find it very sexy when we are confident and sharing.